
FAQ - Job Seekers

Wondering how to best use WWR to land your dream remote job? Check out the most commonly asked questions (and our answers) below. Are you an employer? Check out the FAQ here.

What is We Work Remotely?

We Work Remotely is the world’s largest community of remote workers and the number one destination for finding quality remote jobs. On average, over 1000 new positions are posted every month.

We Work Remotely launched publicly in 2011. Since then, we have seen over 20,000 jobs posted to our platform and have had job seekers visit us from 99% of the countries on Earth. Remote work is truly taking over the world!

WWR Statistics

Navigating WWR

Do you have any remote jobs?

We Work Remotely connects awesome remote talent (like you) with awesome remote companies. What does this mean? Basically, companies post job listings for roles they're hiring for and job seekers browse the job listings for roles they want to apply for.

When WWR is hiring, we'll post our jobs on the job board. Otherwise, don't miss out on applying for the thousands of opportunities that are listed!

How can I find a remote job?

Here are some resources to help you start looking for a remote job:

Create an account find remote opportunities that are tailored to you

How can I start applying for remote jobs?

Explore our Job Categories or go to our Advanced Search and click on the jobs you're interested in and qualified for.

After you've read the job listing, click on the red button that says "Apply for this position." Based on the company's application process, you'll either be taken to their website or ATS link to apply for the position, or prompted to send your application through email.

I live outside of the US. Can I apply to any job listings?

Keep an eye out for the regional tag that's associated with each job posting. If you see 'Anywhere in the World' or the region you're able to work from, you can apply!

Be sure to always thoroughly read the job listing for extra details.

How can I sign up to receive job seeker notifications?

There are four ways:

1. Curated Job Email Alerts

Get daily email notifications that are tied to your tailored search preferences (category, region and time zone). Create an account here. Once you’ve verified your account, you'll be taken to a short onboarding where you can opt-in.

I've applied for a job and they haven't replied back, what should I do?

Hiring managers are busy! Sometimes you won't hear back from them. So, it's always a great practice to follow up after waiting a reasonable amount of time (general standard two weeks). And, remember, kindness always wins.

This job isn't actually remote. What do I do?

Here are some resources to help you start looking for a remote job:

We are a remote-dedicated job board. That being said, not all jobs are fully remote in nature. Meaning, many companies have hiring restrictions that only allow them to hire in certain countries or time zones. If you see a job listing that's tied to a city or requires you to be in the office a few times a week, click on the 'Let us know!' button on the job posting to notify us.

How do I tell if a job posting is a scam?

There are some common warning signs:

1. Extremely unprofessional job posts

2. A crazy high salary despite a super vague job description

3. You're asked for confidential information

See more signs and details here.

I need to report a fraudulent job posting or company. What do I do?

We take these very seriously! Click on the 'Let us know!' button on the job posting or send an email to [email protected] with the link to the job posting.

Job Seeker Account

Why should I create an account?

We know how tedious and noisy job hunting can be. We help you find the best remote opportunities by tailoring them to you. You'll have your own tailored view of remote jobs filtered by the regions you're able to work from, preferred time zones and categories.

Do I need an account to use WWR?

Not at all! You can still use the site without being logged in.

Where can I sign up?

You can create an account here.

Best Practices for remote job hunting

Job Search

5 Simple Yet Effective Tips to Strengthen Your Remote Job Search

Work at Home Jobs: How to Tell a Legitimate Remote Job from a Scam

Best Remote Companies: Top Signs They’re Right For You

7 Signs a Remote Company is Committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Improving your application:

How To Tailor Your Resume to Your Dream Remote Job

How to Beat the Applicant Tracking System (ATS): A Complete Guide for Remote Jobs

How to Land a Remote Job With No Experience

9 Best Practices For Entering the Remote Workforce


Top Questions to Ask Remote Companies in Your Virtual Interviews

Snag that Remote Job! 5 Tips to Acing Your Virtual Interview

Job Hunting Resources:

Remote Work Resources